New Programs
A professional Bachelor's degree in Nuclear Physics
A new professional Bachelor's degree (RD2), entitled « Radiological protection, Nuclear decommissioning, and Waste management: project manager » should be available beginning September 2009.
This professional degree is opening in a scientific field particularly attractive in terms of employment. Industrial partners play a key role, helping define program content as well as offering internships. The degree is multidisciplinary, combining knowledge in Physics and in Chemistry.
In addition, the RD2 program will offer the possibility of alternating studies and professional contracts.
Please visit the RD2 website and detailed program description.
Master in Nanoscale Engineering
A Master's in Nanoscale Engineering (NSE) will be offered as of September 2009.
On account of their unusual and often extraordinary properties, nanostructures will play an important role in engineering science for the next decades to come. Furthermore, the nanosciences are at the interface of Physics, Biology, and Chemistry, and are expected to open perspectives in fields such as Health, Sustainable Development, Energy...
This PRES International Master's program is offered by Ecole Centrale de Lyon, INSA and UCBL. All courses will be taught in English.
Please visit the NSE website and detailed program description.
Enrollment in our programs
Students wishing to enroll in the Physic's Department degree programs for the 2009-2010 university year may apply on-line. The specific procedure will depend on your situation (see below).
For further information concerning enrollment, please contact the Physic's Admissions Department or send us an e-mail at
If you are currently a resident of one of the countries listed at the end of the page,
Your application will necessarily transit through a Centre pour les Etudes en France (CEF).
To find out more, you can visit the website (where xxx is the name of your country of residency) or Cultural Services of the French Embassy.
Please note, the application deadline is March 31, 2009.
The CEF will help you obtain your visa.
All other cases (students from UCBL, France, Europe, other countries not listed below, currently enrolled or returning, etc....)
An application will be available early April that will simplify your pre-enrollment in our degree programs.
Student services
Département de Physique
14, rue Enrico Fermi
Bâtiment Gabriel Lippmann
Université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1
Domaine Scientifique de la Doua
69622 Villeurbanne cedex
Phone numbers :
04 72 43 19 67
04 72 43 26 89